Save the Children has collaborated with NITI Aayog and Herbalife to support two of the most affected Aspirational Districts (West Singhbhum and Gumla) in Jharkhand to i
The British first discovered female infanticide in India in 1789. Jonathan Duncan, then the resident in Benares province was asked by the Bengal council to settle the revenues in the province acquired by the raja of Benares.
Dowry has been a widespread social evil among the Hindus. Now it has spread to other communities also such as Muslims and Christians as well. The Parliament passed the Dowry Prohibition Act 1961 with a view of eradicate the rampant evil.
Recent studies examining British attitudes and ideologies which structured colonial policies towards 'outcaste'2 and 'deviant' groups in indigenous society, have suggested that the groups who were marginalised included those whose activities were conceived of as 'threatening' to new normative def
The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 (PWDVA) is an Indian law enacted to safeguard women from domestic violence within familial or domestic relationships.
The Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Act, 2021, is an Indian law aimed at regulating Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) services such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), sperm or egg donation, and surrogacy.
The Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act, 1994, is a critical piece of legislation in India aimed at addressing and curbing the practice of sex-selective abortions and ensuring the ethical use of prenatal diagnostic technologies.
The Commission of Sati (Prevention) Act, 1987, is an Indian law enacted to prevent and punish the practice of sati, where a widow immolates herself on her husband's funeral pyre.