There is a growing focus on generating evidence on violence against informal women workers across the world.
The agriculture sector as a whole has developed and emerged immensely by empowering men with technology.
Since India’s independence, population stabilization has been one of the prime concerns in its development agenda.
The journey from unemployment or employment to self-employment is liberating in multiple ways for the Indian woman.
Agriculture is the largest employer and it provides employment to both Men and Women but the ratio of their employment in the sector is not significantly different.
This study is the outcome of an in depth research engagement with 20 villages in two blocks of one district of Odisha.
Education is a basic human right; and it plays a significant role in the development of a human being, a society, a community and a country.
The Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (PCPNDT) Act, 1994, is a critical piece of legislation in India aimed at addressing and curbing the practice of sex-selective abortions and ensuring the ethical use of prenatal diagnostic technologies.
The Assisted Reproductive Technology (Regulation) Act, 2021, is an Indian law aimed at regulating Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) services such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), sperm or egg donation, and surrogacy.