This report comes to you at a time when questions around who can be family and whether adult citizens of this country have a say in formin
The state of West Bengal has a population of 9.03 crores of which 19.98 percent live below the poverty line.
Health systems and health professionals play a crucial role in responding to survivors of sexual violence.
The Adolescent Sexuality and Early Marriage Series comprises of research studies, consultation reports and analysis by Partners for Law in Development (PLD), that bri
Despite rapid economic growth in Bangladesh, child marriage remains a pressing concern with over 50% of women in their mid-20s married before the age of 18 and nearly
This report is concerned with the impact of Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting lockdowns, on Education in Maharashtra, particularly its i
This guide is designed to assist survivors of sexual violence, and anyone helping them, at the frst stage of the legal process - in reporting offences and seeking the
With the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aiming to eliminate child and early marriage by 2030, there are renewed and magnified efforts to address the issu