An unwed mom’s unsuccessful battle in the Supreme Court shows how judiciary, regulations link parenthood to marriage
A couple undergoing fertility treatment has petitioned Bombay high court to permit them to complete their surrogacy procedure that they had begun before the new Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Act and Surrogacy Act were brought in.
One of the purposes of family planning programmes in developing countries is to provide for the unmet needs of couples for contraception.
The Indian family welfare program seeks to promote the two-child norm by offering couples the opportunity to choose voluntarily the family planning method best suited to their needs.
Information on the determinants of contraceptive failure and the effects or outcome of such failure has important implications for the study of fertility as well as for women's health.
The quinacrine trials raise a host of questions regarding the safety of this method of sterilization and the methodology used to assess this.
Change in the size of a population takes place due to births, deaths and migration.