An unwed mom’s unsuccessful battle in the Supreme Court shows how judiciary, regulations link parenthood to marriage
The last four decades of Indian history is marked with rapid economic growth along with a rise in population with increasing rates of urba
A couple undergoing fertility treatment has petitioned Bombay high court to permit them to complete their surrogacy procedure that they had begun before the new Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Act and Surrogacy Act were brought in.
The order came while a division bench was hearing a habeas corpus petition filed by a 23-year-old woman on Monday, seeking the court’s help in finding her same-sex partner.
Gender mainstreaming means integrating a gender equality perspective at all stages and levels of policies, programmes and projects, so that they benefit both women an
The state of West Bengal has a population of 9.03 crores of which 19.98 percent live below the poverty line.
Since the adoption of Gender Budgeting as a tool in India in 2005-06, both national and state governments have provided support to various stakeholders in strengtheni