Beginning from December 31, 2021, when the Government Girls PU College, Udupi imposed an arbitrary restriction on girls wearing the hijab
The accused person would not tamper with evidence, would provide his contact details to Investigation Officer and would keep his phone switched on and would provide his location to IO, said the order.
The body with head injuries was noticed lying on the outskirts of Angadi Chittampalli village by some local residents, who alerted the police.
The present paper estimates the drivers of education spending of households across economic groups.
Education is a fundamental requirement for enhancing overall quality of individual and societal life.
An Act to protect the rights of married Muslim women and to prohibit divorce by pronouncing talaq by their husbands and to provide for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.
Education is a basic human right; and it plays a significant role in the development of a human being, a society, a community and a country.