The last four decades of Indian history is marked with rapid economic growth along with a rise in population with increasing rates of urba
Polygyny or the practice of having more than one wife is legal in India only for Muslims, but National Family Health Survey (NFHS) data shows it is almost as prevalent in other communities, though on the decline in all.
The state of West Bengal has a population of 9.03 crores of which 19.98 percent live below the poverty line.
Education is a fundamental requirement for enhancing overall quality of individual and societal life.
One of the important determinants of poverty in both absolute and relative terms is the level and growth of wages in an economy.
This report seeks to study the condition of women in prison in India and inform
action for improvement. An attempt has been made to build understanding on
the entitlements of women in prison, the issues faced by them and the possible
methods for resolution of the same.