A parliamentary panel in its report tabled on Monday has recommended allowing LGBTQ community members to adopt a child, apart from asserting the need for a uniform and comprehensive legislation on adoption which is more transparent, accountable, verifiable, less bureaucratic and applicable to all
India has the distinction of being the first country in the developing world to initiate a family planning programme-it later came to be called the Family Welfare Programme (FWP)-with a view to bring down the country's fertility level and contain population growth.
The women's groups were able to actively agitate against population control policies at conference on environment held in Rio-de-Janeiro in 1992, at conference on human rights at Vienna 1993, and then they were able to get the POA (Programme of Action) of the conference on population and developm
The magnitude of reproductive and sexual health problems in South Asia is daunting. However, an enabling policy environment provides an opportunity to address unmet needs. Neglected reproductive health problems can be effectively addressed through a life-cycle approach.
The importance of postpartum amenorrhoea for reducing fertility is especially pronounced in a developing country like Bangladesh where levels of contraceptive use have until recently remained relatively low. The duration of postpartum amenorrhoea in Bangladesh is among the longest in the world.