Health systems and health professionals play a crucial role in responding to survivors of sexual violence.
Reflecting on the challenges faced by women and child survivors affected by and/or facing violence, including domestic violence, and support persons or organisations
On 11th August, 2020 the Times of India reported that on 9th August 8 prison staff in Taloja prison, Navi Mumbai had tested positive.
DEVELOPMENT is about protection of human rights of the concerned populations. It pre-supposes active participation of the populace in the decisionmaking processes while social justice remains one of the most important and cherished goals of development.
IT is indeed a tall claim, almost an impossible task - to set in motion the immobile-to create spectators who would continue to perform.
This report examines the linkages between wife-beating and one health-related consequence for women, their experience of fetal and infant mortality.
THE United Nations Commission on the Status of Women defines violence against women to include "any act of gender-based violence that results in, or is likely to result in, physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women..." [Economic and Social Council 1992].