Violence Against Women: Wife Battering in Chennai

Tamil Nadu,
Publisher Economic and Political Weekly
P. ws 28-ws33.


DEVELOPMENT is about protection of human rights of the concerned populations. It pre-supposes active participation of the populace in the decisionmaking processes while social justice remains one of the most important and cherished goals of development. However, contradictions do remain as a result of various processes not only among nations at a global level, but also significantly within sections of population within a country. People continue to be marginalised on the basis of class, religion, ethnicity, colour, sex and in India
specially, on the basis of caste. Discrimination and exploitation on the basis of gender constitutes a serious issue which effectively means that half the human race is unable to realise its potential and condemned to sub-optimal standards of existence. This problem has received worldwide attention and several efforts have been made to, bridge the seemingly ever-widening gap.