Search results (15)
  • Deepa Singhal, Akhlaq Ahmed
    Centre for Women’s Development Studies

  • Jagori, UN Women

  • Kalpana Viswanath, Preeti Kirbat
    Economic and Political Weekly

    The history of the development of a new scientific or medical technology is a story of science in the making. In this paper we attempt to trace the development of the anti-hCG vaccine over the past 20 years, using controversy as a methodological entry point into the history.

  • Lalita Panicker
    Legal New and Views

    The sensational murder of a Delhi model has triggered off endless debate on the break- down of traditional values and the rise of the cash and carry culture. Many have proffered the pernicious argument that since she was bar tending dressed in shorts, she was perhaps asking for it.

  • ICRW
    International Center for Research on Women

    The International Center for Research on Women (ICRW), in collaboration with Indian researchers, is pleased to present the first in a series summarizing the research studies being undertaken in India on domestic violence against women. The summary reports presented in this volume have been prepar

  • Nilima Dutta
    Economic and Political Weekly

    The English common law or law created by English judicial decisions treated the wife as the husband's chattel, allowing the husband to do as he pleased in the private domain of his home.

  • A.S. Daga, Shantha Rajgopal, Shireen Jejeebhoy
    Lawyers Collective

    Domestic violence against women is increasingly recognised as a major health and social problem in India. It is also a concerns for public health.

  • Dinaz Contractor
    Pencraft International

    Before discussing the subject, first let us see the definition of rape.

  • Shaila Lohia
    Pencraft International

    Women in India have been facing violence in all spheres of life for thousands of years. They face domestic, political and social violence also, making it a multifaceted and complicated issue.

  • Flavia Agnes
    Pencraft International

    It is necessary to draw attention to the tradition of over legislation in India. In the 1980's and 90's there has been focus on various issues in the women's movement, especially on legislative reforms. The result is the highest number of laws on violence against women.