An unwed mom’s unsuccessful battle in the Supreme Court shows how judiciary, regulations link parenthood to marriage
The system of intellectual property rights such as patents is designed to support the commercialization and marketing of innovations, busi
Globally, the emerging discourse on gender and just transition is often focused on the potential role of women in the 21st century energy
The body with head injuries was noticed lying on the outskirts of Angadi Chittampalli village by some local residents, who alerted the police.
The agriculture sector as a whole has developed and emerged immensely by empowering men with technology.
Violence against women is a major public health concern, s manifestation of gender inequality and a human rights violation.
Agriculture is the largest employer and it provides employment to both Men and Women but the ratio of their employment in the sector is not significantly different.
This guide is designed to assist survivors of sexual violence, and anyone helping them, at the frst stage of the legal process - in reporting offences and seeking the
Decades of campaigning has led to signiicant changes and reform in the rape law.