The main objective of the Conference was to identify and unpack various perspectives on the issue of social security for women in India by bringing together a diverse range of participants from the Government, trade unions,
Shelter is one of the basic needs of human beings next only to food and clothing. ‘Housing’ is fundamental to the formation of individual capabilities and identities and family and community ties. It is as essential for a human being as air, water, food, and clothing.
In recent years, with the increased pace of urbanisation and modernisation, Indian women of all social classes have entered professional occupations.
In 1931, the Fundamental Rights Resolution passed by the Indian National Congress adopted gender equality as a guiding principle.
While a couple, and more specifically women must have access to knowledge and services to regulate fertility, this right is distinctly different from the objectives of the policies of population control.
The health status of women is a reflection of their social status. In order to get a clear picture of the health status of Indian women, we need to have reliable data on mortality, morbidity, nutritional status, problems related to reproduction, access to and utilization of services, etc.
The status of women in many parts of rural India is low. The situation is even worse among tribal communities or primitive societies, which constitute approximately 7.5 percent of the total population of the country [1]. In such
The present paper discusses the status of tribal women in terms of their demography, health; education and employment. Despite constitutional protection and assurances, even after four and a half decades, their status is
The term status of women is very elusive in concept and there are difficulties in defining as well as measuring it (for a detailed discussion on this subject, see Mason [1].