An unwed mom’s unsuccessful battle in the Supreme Court shows how judiciary, regulations link parenthood to marriage
The Gender Budget Component this year accounted for 6.4 per cent of the total Budget.
Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman said that the govt will encourage vaccination for girls in the age group of 9 to 14 years for the prevention of cervical cancer, the second most prevalent cancer among women in India.
Childcare is a child rights issue.
Using OECD evaluation criteria, we analysed the child protection schemes of Odisha to understand whether legal commitments on child protec
From helping women inmates in prenatal and postnatal stages, to vaccination of children and giving them pre-primary education, this is how prison authorities are looking after children who stay with their mothers inside jails.
Against the backdrop of covd-19 pandemic, the paper analyses the budgetary allocations pertaining to children, for the state of Odisha.
A couple undergoing fertility treatment has petitioned Bombay high court to permit them to complete their surrogacy procedure that they had begun before the new Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Act and Surrogacy Act were brought in.
This paper estimates the child development Index at state level for all the states using methodology given in NIPFP working paper 370 - “Estimating Child Development
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development calls for transforming our world and working towards the future we want.