The rapid rate of population growth in India is adversely affecting every sector of its economic and social development and the country seems to be in the grip of the vicious circle of economic backwardness-high rate of population growthmore economic backwardness.
A lady in yellow suit entered the house to see the newly wed bride and the bride was tactfully instructed by the grand lady of the house to leave the place, so as to avoid the shadow of the lady. The visitor was sent back without giving a chance to interact with bride.
Though fertility is a biological phenomenon there are a number of other factors influencing the levels and differentials of fertility among tribals.
Never before in History have so many People used contraceptive technology to regulate and control their fertility.
Though fertility is a biological phenomenon there are a number of other factors influencing the levels and differentials of fertility among tribals.
The Indonesian Ministry of Health approved the general use of Norplantâ implants in January 1986, and the process of introducing them into the national program was begun in 1987.
Squinting against the glare of the harsh fluorescent lights, a balding, middle aged man wearing a checked shirt and a worried look sat at the edge of the plastic chair in the white-tiled corridor of Bombay's Jaslok Hospital, tapping his foot on the floor with increasing nervousness.
Fertility behaviour includes not only biological but also social reproduction, involving a complex network of institutions.
Population projections help in the formulation of policies directed towards meeting desired goals. Such projections cannot be considered as a one time event as new directions for policies and programs can emerge when the exercise is repeated.