In India, as per census 1981, around 11 million children in the age group 5-14 are in the labour force as main workers, and another 2.21 million children participate in the labour market
Fertility behaviour in India, as anywhere else, is subject to socio-economic conditions as well as religious and cultural traditions.
The drive for a rapid development in the education of women came largely from a perception summed up aptly in .the following statement by Mayhew: "women
India is one of the few countries where life expectancy of women has been less than that of men till very recently. For rural women this still holds good [1]. More girls than boys die in infancy and childhood.
This study aims to understand the access to justice and the justice delivery system from the perspective of victims of marital violence especially in the context of r
Female infanticide in Tamil Nadu, South India, has recently received widespread attention within India and abroad. The paper contains reflections based on over a decade of fieldwork and study of this phenomenon, and information gathered from NG0s, activists and officials.