The last four decades of Indian history is marked with rapid economic growth along with a rise in population with increasing rates of urba
The state of West Bengal has a population of 9.03 crores of which 19.98 percent live below the poverty line.
Education is a fundamental requirement for enhancing overall quality of individual and societal life.
The paper examines women’s economic empowerment in Asia, with a particular focus on South Asia.
The notion of quality in the public health system is becoming increasingly an issue for policymakers and planners in India. The Eighth Five-Year Plan identified the poor quality of family welfare services as one of the factors
In recent years there has been a growing concern in many countries, including India, that public health and family planning programs have placed insufficient emphasis on the quality of their services (Ickis 1992; Khan et al. 1994; Mensch 1993; Miller et al. 1991).