Search results (4)
  • Shashi Bala
    V.V. Giri National Labour Institute

    Agriculture is the largest employer and it provides employment to both Men and Women but the ratio of their employment in the sector is not significantly different.

  • Annika Johansson, Nguyen The Lap, Hoang Thi Hoa, Vinod K Diwan
    Reproductive Health Matters

    This paper discusses contraceptive use and discontinuation among women in north Vietnam, in the context of a strong culture preference for sons and a stringent two-child population policy. Among a random sample of 1432 married women aged 15-49 in a rural province in north Vietnam in l994, nearly

  • Kumud Nagral
    The Journal of Family Welfare

    In these words, Ayurved, the ancient Indian medical science, describes "safe motherhood" Thus, "Motherhood is the basis of family life which, in turn, is the backbone of all the orders of society. Hence, family life remains protected if the woman is safe and protected."

  • Bibliography
    Social Change