The last four decades of Indian history is marked with rapid economic growth along with a rise in population with increasing rates of urba
The state of West Bengal has a population of 9.03 crores of which 19.98 percent live below the poverty line.
Education is a fundamental requirement for enhancing overall quality of individual and societal life.
This document presents a rapid drought impact assessment that was carried out
by UNICEF’s India Country Office in eight states with the aim of providing insights
into drought management practices and their effectiveness. It identifies UNICEF’s
The paper examines women’s economic empowerment in Asia, with a particular focus on South Asia.
The stark white room is echoing with dreams. "I want to become a doctor... I am engineer... I want to become a nun... (this evokes a riot of laughter) I want to become a dress designer... My dream is to become a social worker ....
This report examines the linkages between wife-beating and one health-related consequence for women, their experience of fetal and infant mortality.