An unwed mom’s unsuccessful battle in the Supreme Court shows how judiciary, regulations link parenthood to marriage
This guide is designed to assist survivors of sexual violence, and anyone helping them, at the frst stage of the legal process - in reporting offences and seeking the
This monograph is guided by f
Decades of campaigning has led to signiicant changes and reform in the rape law.
IT is indeed a tall claim, almost an impossible task - to set in motion the immobile-to create spectators who would continue to perform.
Hysterectomy is major surgery with a mortality rate of 1-2 per 1000 operations and an even higher complication rate. There is a widespread misconception, even among doctors that removal of the uterus, without removal of the ovaries has little or no long-term health consequences for the woman.
Form for, Medical Ethics sought and obtained opinion and advice from a variety of experts. It also studied some of the publications on the subject in medical and other journals.