Childcare is a child rights issue.
Children are the future of any country.
The term ‘children in conflict with the law’ (CICL) refers to anyone accused of an offence while under 18 years of age at the time of commission of the alleged offenc
We use data from the 1981 and 1991 censuses of India to examine (a) sex ratios among infants aged under 2, (b) child mortality (q5) by sex, and (c) estimated period sex ratios at birth (SRB) calculated by reverse survival methods, to see whether bias against female children pers
Undernourished women tend to deliver low birth weight babies (Karmer, 1987) and to have pregnancy complications (Baird, 1947). Perinatal mortality and prematurity rates were found to be high among short statured women (Barros, 1987).