This report comes to you at a time when questions around who can be family and whether adult citizens of this country have a say in formin
In recent years, with the increased pace of urbanisation and modernisation, Indian women of all social classes have entered professional occupations.
Child abuse manifests itself in several forms and dimensions - physical exploitation (child labour), emotional trauma (child prostitution) and marital harassment (child marriage).
Sexual abuse of children is an issue shrouded in ignorance and denial in our country. One of the chief reasons for this conspiracy of silence is the high value, almost idealization, of the family.
A society is judged by the way it treats its women and children. So is a judicial system. Nothing is more horrifying than the sexual abuse of a child: nothing more reprehensible than a judicial system that subsequently victimises the victim, police behaviour that adds terror to agony.
The Kandyan Marriage and Divorce (Amendment) Act, No. 23 of 2013, passed by the Parliament of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, revises the legal framework governing marriages and divorces within the Kandyan community.
The Muslim Marriage and Divorce (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2013, enacted by the Parliament of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, introduces reforms to the legal framework governing marriage and divorce within the Muslim community.