This report comes to you at a time when questions around who can be family and whether adult citizens of this country have a say in formin
Violence against women is legitimized by social norms, beliefs and institutions.
The term ‘children in conflict with the law’ (CICL) refers to anyone accused of an offence while under 18 years of age at the time of commission of the alleged offenc
This paper discusses health vulnerabilities of children in general followed by an analysis of data regarding health scenario of children below five years of age from
Within this research, Sama aimed to further the understanding of mental health, drawing on young
Hysterectomy is major surgery with a mortality rate of 1-2 per 1000 operations and an even higher complication rate. There is a widespread misconception, even among doctors that removal of the uterus, without removal of the ovaries has little or no long-term health consequences for the woman.
This article reviews various issues of occupational stressors and mental health status .from gender perspective. The current shift in gender identity has brought about many stressors for women.
Men of the Chakhesang tribe of Nagaland aid their wives during delivery of the newborn. Most men in the picture-postcard village of Chizami in Phek district believe it is shameful to depend on a neighbour's help when such a momentous event is taking place in their family.