This report comes to you at a time when questions around who can be family and whether adult citizens of this country have a say in formin
Every year, as millions of women marry, they dream of starting a family, of having their homes filled with tiny cries and the happy laughter of gurgling babies. In India however, pregnancy is too often followed by the question of
whether the unborn child is a girl or a boy.
The impact of the family planning (FP) programme over the years is showing varying impacts on fertility across regions and population groups in India.
The high female infant mortality rates (Miller, 1985), the practice of female infanticide (Krishnaswamy, 1988), the neglect of female children with regard to access to health services, nutrition (Sen and Sengupta 1983) and education (Mankekar, 1985), and the sexual abuse of girls (Bhalerao, 1985)
In recent years, with the increased pace of urbanisation and modernisation, Indian women of all social classes have entered professional occupations.
The Muslim Marriage and Divorce (Amendment) Act, No. 24 of 2013, enacted by the Parliament of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, introduces reforms to the legal framework governing marriage and divorce within the Muslim community.
This study aims to understand the access to justice and the justice delivery system from the perspective of victims of marital violence especially in the context of r
Most people in India are now aware that the country's population is growing rapidly, and appreciate the need for controlling its rate of growth.
How does one analytically locate the social phenomenon manifested in India during the last few years since the advent of sex-selection technology in the mid- 70s?