This report comes to you at a time when questions around who can be family and whether adult citizens of this country have a say in formin
Captain Abhilasha Barak on Wednesday became the first woman officer to join the Army Aviation Corps as a combat aviator.
Health systems and health professionals play a crucial role in responding to survivors of sexual violence.
This guide is designed to assist survivors of sexual violence, and anyone helping them, at the frst stage of the legal process - in reporting offences and seeking the
Kipling was paying tribute to the Vicereine who established the Fund associated with her name. This was an organisation which employed medical women (or 'lady doctors') to run a chain of hospitals and dispensaries all over India and Burma.
In the absence of a basic questioning of women's status and role in society, birth control, abortions-and even maternal health care end up merely replacing an old set of traditions with new ones.
Health is a major issue in the women's movement, along with the struggle for justice, dignity and equality.
In l995, nurses and doctors in many of the public maternity ward in the state of Tamil Nadu in India were routinely inserting IUDs immediately following childbirth and abortions, as part of the target-orientated family, planning policy.
The International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) held in Cairo in 1994 reiterated the need for appropriate health care services that will enable women to go safely through pregnancy and childbirth and produce a healthy infant.