Childcare is a child rights issue.
The term ‘children in conflict with the law’ (CICL) refers to anyone accused of an offence while under 18 years of age at the time of commission of the alleged offenc
Drawing upon the data from the recent period, this paper explores the relationship between women’s involvement in microfinance programs and improvement in their empowerment status.
Formal financial institutions (FFIs) in a developing economy often fail to meet the loan requirements of the poor. It is frequently stated that the poor are non bankable. Given this, several models and structures have emerged for making them bankable.
India has the distinction of being the first country in the developing world to initiate a family planning programme-it later came to be called the Family Welfare Programme (FWP)-with a view to bring down the country's fertility level and contain population growth.
The women's groups were able to actively agitate against population control policies at conference on environment held in Rio-de-Janeiro in 1992, at conference on human rights at Vienna 1993, and then they were able to get the POA (Programme of Action) of the conference on population and developm
The planet is getting polarized in demographic and economic terms. Developing countries experience problems with their population growth along with pervasive poverty.
The importance of postpartum amenorrhoea for reducing fertility is especially pronounced in a developing country like Bangladesh where levels of contraceptive use have until recently remained relatively low. The duration of postpartum amenorrhoea in Bangladesh is among the longest in the world.