The study looks at the interrelated factors of transition from a pre-state forest dependent economy to a social system of an agricultural
This study aims to provide an evidence-based analysis of the persecution and hunting of women as witches in indigenous and rural societies in India.
In northern Ghana, hundreds of women, accused of witchcraft by relatives or members of their community, have been living in ‘witch camps’ after fleeing or being banishe
Indian Family Planning Program, though started in 1952 on solid developmental and women's welfare grounds, has had over the years rapid upswings followed by downswings either because of bad and hurried population policies such as during national emergency in 1975 or setting unre
Experts are increasingly emphasizing the need to assess the quality of family planning services from the users' perspective.
The International Labour Organization (ILO) initiated a project titled "Training and Information Dissemination on Women Workers' Rights" (WWWR Project) in June 1997. As part of the educational activities of the project in India, an experience, sharing workshop was organised between October 15-16,
Sterilization is the most popular method of contraception in India. The 1992-93 National Family Health Survey found that of the 36.2 percent of eligible couples using any modern method, most (30.7 percent) had been sterilized and only 5.5 percent were using temporary methods (IIPS 1995).
Religion has a significant relevance in the demographic study of socio-economic groups.