The objective of the study is to gather data about experiences and perceptions about sexual harassment in public spaces faced by women and girls in Rohtak.
Jagori and Safetipin undertook a rapid assessment on perceptions with regard to safety of women and girls in public spaces, and to identify perspectives and strategies that would guide further designing of interventions in three cities of Haryana – Bahadurgarh, Jhajjar and Rohtak.
Governmental efforts towards fertility reduction often face a dilemma: babies who are planners' worry are also a parent's hope and joy (Mandelbaum 1974:110). The beliefs of the people on this subject and what planners believe ought to be done may on occasion diverge substantially.
Fertility behaviour includes not only biological but also social reproduction, involving a complex network of institutions.
The theoretical framework of this paper takes into an account the relationship between women’s work in subsistence agriculture and the rural development strategies, both at the local and national levels.
It is by now almost an axiom with demographers, labour economists and economic historians th