The sexuality of the disabled person has largely been ignored. If it is at all acknowledged, then it has been largely through a ‘medical lens.
The International Labour Organization (ILO) initiated a project titled "Training and Information Dissemination on Women Workers' Rights" (WWWR Project) in June 1997. As part of the educational activities of the project in India, an experience, sharing workshop was organised between October 15-16,
Experts are increasingly emphasizing the need to assess the quality of family planning services from the users' perspective.
Change in the size of a population takes place due to births, deaths and migration.
India was the first developing country to start a population control programme way back in 1951.
Both as a concept and as a rallying point for gender-based concerns, the emergence of reproductive choice is a relatively new phenomenon in the area of population policy. For decades on end, population policy had been primarily, if not solely, concerned with the regulation and control of human fe
The question of women's health seems to be cast in adjunct to reproduction, at least as far as the Indian state is concerned.