The Department of Women & Child Development, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, Naharlagun was formed as an independent Department in 2012, Earlier it was a part of Department of Social Welfare, Women and Child Development. This separate department has the objective of giving the much needed impetus to the holistic development for the welfare of women and children which constitutes 49.3% and 14.6% of the State’s population. Presently, the department has been implementing various programmes both State & Centrally Sponsored.
The main functions of the Department are:
• Formulating necessary policies, programmes and schemes
• Co-ordinating the efforts of both governmental and non-governmental organisations working in the field of women & children.
• Planning, policy making, budgeting and other welfare services for women and children.
• Co-ordinating with the Planning, Finance and other related Government Departments and providing guidelines and norms for the all-round development of women and children.
The Directorate of Social Welfare was created by Govt. of Assam in the year 1960. The Directorate was made permanent with effect from 20-09-1965 and a full fledged Social Welfare Administrative Department was created on 19th September 1991.The role and responsibilities of the Social Welfare Department are destined to witness a phenomenal expansion in the coming years due to the heightened social awareness of the problems faced by children, women and physically challenged persons.
This Department has the mandate to ensure proper care of the uncared, protection of the most vulnerable sections of the society and creation of an environment which is conducive to the all round development of children, women and physically challenged persons both by taking the caring and protective hands of the Government to them and by giving intensified fillip to the non- government initiatives aimed at reaching out to them.
The Department of Social Welfare constitutes of dedicated Directorates and Corporations that are designated to take up specific responsibilities under one umbrella; responsibilities include matters pertaining to the welfare, development and empowerment of women, children, aged, differently-abled, destitute and persons with special needs. The Women Development Corporation (WDC) has been mandated to implement state’s perspective plan towards empowering women and adolescent girls in Bihar. As the nodal agency for empowering women, WDC came into being on November 28, 1991 and was registered under Society Registration Act, 1856. Its vision is to ensure overall survival, development, protection and participation of women and adolescent girls in the state.
The WDC has evolved in its vision and is currently implementing plans of action, programmes and schemes for the advancement of women and adolescent girls with the support of Civil Society Organizations, Community Based Organizations and professional and technical Agencies for achieving its mandate.
The Department of Social Welfare, Women and Child Development, Chandigarh Administration is running various welfare schemes, programmes and institutions for the welfare of the Scheduled Caste, Other Backward Classes, Persons with Disabilities, Women and Children and other vulnerable sections of the Society. The Department is managing one Nari Niketan, and many other institutions which are being run or managed through various Non-Government agencies.
The various schemes of this department are Post Delivery Financial Assistance to Women for Nutrition; Apni Beti Apna Dhan; Holiday Camps for Scheduled Caste; Encouragement to inter-caste Marriage; Development of Skills amongst SC children living in Jhuggies and Slum Areas; Seminar on Life, Mission & Work of Baba Saheb Dr.B.R. Ambedkar, Monetary Relief/ Rehabilitation of Victims of Atrocities; Strengthening of Machinery for the enforcement of PCR Act.
The Department of Women and Child Development,Government of N.C.T of Delhi has been created vide Cabinet decision 1259 dated 20 August 2007. This separate department of Women and Child Development has the objective of giving the much needed impetus to the holistic development of Women and Child Development is to ensure a state of well being for women and children especially those of the weaker sections of society.
The Department formulates plans, policies and programmes, guides and co-ordinates the efforts of both governmental and non-governmental organisations in the filed of women and child development.
The department of women and child development opromotes and assists the voluntary sector significantly in the implementation of the government policies and programmes for women and children. The focus of the Department is the all round development of women and children and empowerment of women. The activities of the department can be broadly classified into the following categories:
Government of Goa in order to give more impetus to Women and Child in the State carved an independent Directorate in 1997 bifurcating from erstwhile Directorate of Social Welfare called “Directorate of Women & Child Development”. This Directorate deals with all issues pertaining to women and child, for its overall evelopment and empowerment. Various Welfare Schemes of Government of India and State Government meant for women and children are being implemented by this Directorate.
The Head Office of the Directorate is situated at Old Education Department, Building, 2nd Floor, Panaji. There are eleven sub-offices each at Taluka level called “Integrated Child Development Services” (ICDS).The Directorate is headed by Director and the ICDS project at Taluka level is headed by The Child Development Project Officer (CDPO).
The vision of the Department is to ensure children’s nutrition and empower woman living with dignity and ensure the nutrition and development of woman in an environment free from violence and discrimination.
The goals of the Department are:
The Directorate of Women and Child Development is functioning w.e.f. 1-4-92 vide notification No. 79-SW I/92 dated 10th February,1992 after getting bifurcation from social welfare department. In its capacity as a nodal agency looking after the advancement of women and children, the Department formulates plans, policies and programs and coordinates the efforts of both government and non-governmental organizations working in the field of women and child development.
The Department and its constituents organizations work in close co-operation with the social organizations and international agencies like UNICEF, World Bank, UNFPA etc. to achieve the goals of development of women and children. The Department is implementing various schemes for overall development of women and children under state, central and with assistance of international agencies. women and child development
Directorate of Women and Child Development was set up in the year of 2011 as a part of the department of Social Justices and Empowerment to give the much needed inputs to the holistic development of Children and women Empowerment in Himachal Pradesh.
Department of Women and Child Development & Social Welfare, Governmentof Jharkhand acts as nodal department for care, protection, and development of Women and Children. After the partition from the state of Bihar on 15 Nov 2000, the Jharkhand state government has introduced Lakshmi LadliYojna ,Anganabadi Nursery School, JeevanAshaYojnaand many more.