
A Study of National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme in Three Grama Panchayats of Kasargod District

Publisher Centre for Development Studies
Working Paper; 413
K. N Nair
M. Anoopkumar
T. P. Sreedharan


This paper attempts to study the impact of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme in three Grama panchayats of Kasaragod District,namely Madikai, Ajanoor and Trikarpur. It also looks into the organizational arrangements for planning and implementation of the scheme. Various institutional aspects in the form of Guidelines, Rules and Regulations brought out by the Government of Kerala have also been examined. The identification of projects for NREGA is a grass root level activity with Ward Development Committee and Area Development Society of Kudumbasree playing a pivotal role. The role of Grama Sabha in the formulation of a ward level Action Plan is found to be weak. The worker registration is appreciably good in all the three Grama panchayats. Registration of SC and ST categories also is impressive. But there is a big drop in the number of people who demanded jobs in 2007- 08.