Formal financial institutions (FFIs) in a developing economy often fail to meet the loan requirements of the poor. It is frequently stated that the poor are non bankable. Given this, several models and structures have emerged for making them bankable.
Domestic violence against women is increasingly recognised as a major health and social problem in India. It is also a concerns for public health.
The International Center for Research on Women (ICRW), in collaboration with Indian researchers, is pleased to present the first in a series summarizing the research studies being undertaken in India on domestic violence against women. The summary reports presented in this volume have been prepar
Violence against women has been recognized as one of the eleven critical areas of concern by the Indian government in its 1995 Country Report for the Fourth World Conference on Women at Beijing.
In order to survey and assess these responses in their various forms, domestic violence was first defined broadly to comprise those acts of intimidation and cruelty such as mental, emotional, financial, and physical abuse of a woman, which may make a woman or her family members seek the support o