Reproductive health is not just the absence of disease of the reproductive system. Rather, it covers a whole range of conditions and processes that include healthy sexual development, reproduction and fertility regulation.
INDIA IS A VAST country with a population of more than 844 million. The tribal populations of India constitute a significant proportion of India's total population. There are more than 400 tribal population groups constituting
From time to time, Indian demographers have advocated that the age at marriage of girls be raised so as to reduce the reproductive span of women, and thereby, bring down the birth rate.
The success of a good planning strategy for the overall development of any society (population) depends upon two main factors.
Following the International Population and Development Conference in Cairo, there is widespread consensus in the international community that family planning programs must be people-centered, and further, that family planning programs should focus not just on contraception per se,but on the repro
The success of a good planning strategy for the overall development of any society (population) depends upon two main factors.
It has been observed that in the 1960s, the Ig (index of marital fertility) in Sri Lanka for the first time, fell at least ten per cent below the plateau level of the pre-1960 decades [1].
It has been observed that in the 1960s, the Ig (index of marital fertility) in Sri Lanka for the first time, fell at least ten per cent below the plateau level of the pre-1960 decades [1].
The Government of India has adopted the 1994 Cairo agenda with speed and commitment at the highest level, recognising that improving reproductive health, including family planning, is essential to the development of the family welfare programme.
We live in an era of paradoxes and contradictions - the reality was never so multifaceted, the issues never so complex. Everything around us seems to be melting and unfortunately the new forms acquired by the congealing of the molten mass leaves us little to rejoice at.