Childcare is a child rights issue.
Using OECD evaluation criteria, we analysed the child protection schemes of Odisha to understand whether legal commitments on child protec
Observing that a mother's role in the development of a child's personality can never be doubted, a sessions court, while adjudicating in a custody case between a Pune-based father and a city-based woman, said, "A child gets the best protection through the mother.
A mother has an absolute right to decide the child’s surname after the death of her husband and that she cannot be compelled to keep using the deceased’s surname in the records of the child, the Supreme Court ruled on Thursday, in a judgment that reinforces a woman’s right as a natural guardian o
The Delhi high court has sought response from Delhi Police and a Muslim man whose wife has challenged a notice of “talaq-e-hasan” sent to her. Justice Dinesh Kumar Sharma, in a recent order, asked the husband and police to respond to the woman’s petition.
This paper estimates the child development Index at state level for all the states using methodology given in NIPFP working paper 370 - “Estimating Child Development
In a bid to prevent misuse of section 498A (punishment for cruelty by husband and his relatives) of Indian Penal Code (IPC), the Allahabad high court has said that after the registration of a first information report (FIR), no arrest should be made before expiry of a “cooling-period” of two month
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development calls for transforming our world and working towards the future we want.
From helping women inmates in prenatal and postnatal stages, to vaccination of children and giving them pre-primary education, this is how prison authorities are looking after children who stay with their mothers inside jails.
NEW DELHI: A brother cannot be a mute spectator to his divorced sister’s miseries when she needs his financial help, Delhi High Court has noted, underlining that children also have a duty to take care of their aged parents.The court’s observation came while holding as “meritless” a woman’s claim