On the World Population Day this year, there were two new features which are welcome: the first is the concern for environment in the context of population growth; and the second is the candid admission by the Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare that we must get rid of the tyranny of fami
The Indonesian Ministry of Health approved the general use of Norplantâ implants in January 1986, and the process of introducing them into the national program was begun in 1987.
These services are provided through a large network of government as well as private Medicare institutions.
Viewed in retrospect, the development of hormonal methods of fertility control could be broadly divided into three main phases: (i) development of the oral contraceptive 'Pill based on synthetic ovarian steroid hormones; (ii) the demonstration that continuous oral administration of progestins in
New Reproductive Technologies (NRTs): This term denotes the entire spectrum of modern medical techniques targeted at women's bodies, affecting their control over their bodies, bodily processes or products, they include –
• Sex Selection Techniques
The recent attempts to incorporate injectable contraceptives (ICs) and other longacting contraceptives (LACS) in the National Family Welfare Program (NFWP) are based on a premise, which is totally unscientific, unethical and unjust.