Most discussions of reservations for women in India have contextualized the issue in relation to the p
This document presents a rapid drought impact assessment that was carried out
by UNICEF’s India Country Office in eight states with the aim of providing insights
into drought management practices and their effectiveness. It identifies UNICEF’s
The Study highlights the national level parliaments and critically review quota designs,
practices and experiences of women parliamentarians on both quota seats, as well as
general seats. In this action research project, experiences with quota designs, challenges
For the last three decades, India's Family Welfare Programme has pursued the goal of reducing fertility as rapidly as possible. Until recently the means used to achieve this goal were method-specific contraceptive targets and cash incentives for acceptors.
A growing recognition that population dynamics, quality of life and women's status are closely inter related argues strongly for a fresh look at India's population program.
This essay advocates a reproductive health care strategy, to revitalize the country's family welfare program. A major shift in focus is needed in the population policy and programs in order to incorporate a gender-sensitive