The report highlighted the alarming figures and information on child sexual abuse in India. Social taboo and stigma attached to child sexual abuse and lack of faith in the system’s ability to respond and deliver emerged as key factors that kept children away from reporting abuse.
This study attempts to look at the extent, causes, manifestation and the interventions made on trafficking of children in the country.
India is a signatory to the Alma Ata declaration and has committed herself to achieving "Health for All by the Year 2000". Since then, a lot of planning, effort and public expenditure has been devoted to improving the health of the people both in rural and urban areas of the country.
Acceptance and sustained use of family planning especially of modern spacing methods have generally been low in developing countries particularly in India. The use rate for modern spacing methods was only 6 per cent among the eligible couples in India in 1992 (IIPS, 1995).
In recent years, there has been increased recognition of the scope and significance of gynaecological problems experienced by poor women in developing countries.