Search results (3)
  • Prahbhjot Malhi, Jagat Jerath
    Guru Nanak Journal of Sociology

    The paper uses the National Family Health Survey (NFHS, 1992-93) data to examine the extent to which sex preferences have constrained the success of the family planning programme and inhibited the acceptance of contraception in the different states of the country.

  • Sharon Stash
    Studies in Family Planning

    This study tests the hypothesis that, in Nepal, measures of ideal family size mask an underlying preference for sons, making some people willing to have families larger than their ideal. Existing evidence suggests that men are likely to have stronger preferences for sons than are women.

  • V. Gopalakrishnan Asari
    The Journal of Family Welfare

    The preference of couples worldwide for a male or female child is an age-old phenomenon. In many developing countries, including India, the preference for sons is strong and has influenced fertility to a large extent.