This study attempts to look at the extent, causes, manifestation and the interventions made on trafficking of children in the country.
The book examines the nature of maternity entitlements of women within the context of the totality of women's
This study is a small part of a larger study undertaken by the Ta
The stark white room is echoing with dreams. "I want to become a doctor... I am engineer... I want to become a nun... (this evokes a riot of laughter) I want to become a dress designer... My dream is to become a social worker ....
Patharia, a village-situated in the Bundhelkund region is stark contrast to other villages. Inhabited by the Bedia tribe, a part of the vimukta jati where adult members in the family never worked and depended solely on the earnings of the young girl involved in prostitution.
The expectant and lactating mothers are considered as nutritionally vulnerable group especially in the developing countries of the world. Due to nursing process mothers are subjected to nutritional stresses.
Lactating women are often recommended the IUD as a contraceptive method since it compares favourably with other available contraceptive methods, which either adversely affect lactation or are less effective in preventing pregnancy. Numerous studies, [1-4] have shown that IUDs have no effect on th
Following the International Population and Development Conference in Cairo, there is widespread consensus in the international community that family planning programs must be people-centered, and further, that family planning programs should focus not just on contraception per se,but on the repro