NEW DELHI: A brother cannot be a mute spectator to his divorced sister’s miseries when she needs his financial help, Delhi High Court has noted, underlining that children also have a duty to take care of their aged parents.The court’s observation came while holding as “meritless” a woman’s claim
Despite its many advantages, the employment of women in economic activity in India has been associated with increased mortality for infants and young children. Simultaneously, narrower gender differentials in child mortality among employed women have been noted.
This study analyzes longitudinal data from Matlab, Bangladesh, to examine the impact of child mortality on subsequent contraceptive acceptance and continuation.
High family size desire and low acceptance of family planning constitute, the two main factors underlying the high fertility of the Indian population. Excessive loss of children in early childhood in rural areas is considered to be contributory to both of the above factors.
The Kandyan Marriage and Divorce (Amendment) Act, No. 23 of 2013, passed by the Parliament of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, revises the legal framework governing marriages and divorces within the Kandyan community.
The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Act, 2019, is a landmark legislation in India aimed at addressing and prohibiting the practice of instant triple talaq, or talaq-e-bid'ah, within the Muslim community.
The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986, is a significant legal provision in India designed to address the rights and welfare of Muslim women in the context of divorce. This Act was introduced in response to the Supreme Court's judgment in the case of Shah Bano Begum v.