In most of the rural areas in India, bringing humanity to the light of day is collectively and deftly managed by the dai along with other experienced women and the laboring woman herself.
This idea underlies traditional care during pregnancy. It may be true that in pregnancy a woman has more access to food and other things. But, communities have ways to oversee foetal growth and development. They subject women to restrictions and recommendations regarding diet and activities.
A lady in yellow suit entered the house to see the newly wed bride and the bride was tactfully instructed by the grand lady of the house to leave the place, so as to avoid the shadow of the lady. The visitor was sent back without giving a chance to interact with bride.
Demographic literature is replete with observations of an inverse relation between certain attributes of modernity and family size (Thompson 1929; Notestein 1945; Coale and Hoover 1958; Leiberman 1980, Srinivasan 1986).
Childbirth is a normal physiological process, which can become pathological due to the adoption of certain practices and consequently affect the health and survival of the newborn.
Breastfeeding and lactational amenorrhoea play a unique role in child health, birth spacing and fertility regulation.
After Ritter and Hinkelmann, Kirk and his Colleagues Kirk also reported that in matings where the father is in-compatible with the mother with respect to the ABO groups, the children show a higher frequency of the Hp1 gene.
As in many other countries, there are traditional beliefs in India regarding specific food items a pregnant woman should or should not eat during pregnancy and about the proper amount of food desirable for a pregnant woman
for successful reproductive outcome.
The international Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), convened in Cairo in September 1994 under the auspices of the Unite Nations, has changed the focus of family planning programs forever.
Most people in India are now aware that the country's population is growing rapidly, and appreciate the need for controlling its rate of growth.