The Government of India has adopted the 1994 Cairo agenda with speed and commitment at the highest level, recognising that improving reproductive health, including family planning, is essential to the development of the family welfare programme.
A number of recent studies [A] [D] have documented evidence to show that couples have a decided preference for a particular sex combination of children. For example, in many South Asian countries, including India, there is a strong preference for sons over daughters.
In India, as per census 1981, around 11 million children in the age group 5-14 are in the labour force as main workers, and another 2.21 million children participate in the labour market
In recent years, fertility has become an important subject of inquiry for economists. The decision to have children and their number and timing involve trade-offs which constrain the purchase and consumption of durables and other household items vying for the family's scarce resources.
The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012, is a comprehensive legislative measure enacted in India to safeguard children from sexual abuse and exploitation.