Using OECD evaluation criteria, we analysed the child protection schemes of Odisha to understand whether legal commitments on child protec
Against the backdrop of covd-19 pandemic, the paper analyses the budgetary allocations pertaining to children, for the state of Odisha.
On 4th and 5th February 2020, a two-day Eastern Region Consultation on ‘Adolescent Sexuality and the Law’ was organized by Partners for Law in Development (PLD), Sway
In northern Ghana, hundreds of women, accused of witchcraft by relatives or members of their community, have been living in ‘witch camps’ after fleeing or being banishe
This study is the outcome of an in depth research engagement with 20 villages in two blocks of one district of Odisha.
It is now common practice to infer the social status of women from their demographic characteristics. Yet it is not so easy to read through demographic progress, in terms of declines in mortality and fertility, to make unambiguous judgments about trends in women's social standing.
Status literally means position in relation to others. The status enjoyed by women in any society is an index of the standard of its social organisation.