The purpose of this report is to explore the digital gender gap in terms of accessing and competency of using ICTs and how this gap can be bridged by using appropriat
On a hot summer’s day in 1982, while walking through a jungle path in Bankura, West Bengal, anthropologist Naraya
The paper examines women’s economic empowerment in Asia, with a particular focus on South Asia.
Undernourished women tend to deliver low birth weight babies (Karmer, 1987) and to have pregnancy complications (Baird, 1947). Perinatal mortality and prematurity rates were found to be high among short statured women (Barros, 1987).
INDIA IS A VAST country with a population of more than 844 million. The tribal populations of India constitute a significant proportion of India's total population. There are more than 400 tribal population groups constituting
It is now common practice to infer the social status of women from their demographic characteristics. Yet it is not so easy to read through demographic progress, in terms of declines in mortality and fertility, to make unambiguous judgments about trends in women's social standing.
Though fertility is a biological phenomenon there are a number of other factors influencing the levels and differentials of fertility among tribals.
Though fertility is a biological phenomenon there are a number of other factors influencing the levels and differentials of fertility among tribals.
The tribal population groups from 7.95 percent of the total population of India. About 67.76 million persons have been enumerated in the country (excluding Jammu & Kashmir) as members of the Scheduled Tribes (1991 census).