Using OECD evaluation criteria, we analysed the child protection schemes of Odisha to understand whether legal commitments on child protec
Against the backdrop of covd-19 pandemic, the paper analyses the budgetary allocations pertaining to children, for the state of Odisha.
In northern Ghana, hundreds of women, accused of witchcraft by relatives or members of their community, have been living in ‘witch camps’ after fleeing or being banishe
This study is the outcome of an in depth research engagement with 20 villages in two blocks of one district of Odisha.
The history of the development of a new scientific or medical technology is a story of science in the making. In this paper we attempt to trace the development of the anti-hCG vaccine over the past 20 years, using controversy as a methodological entry point into the history.
Viewed in retrospect, the development of hormonal methods of fertility control could be broadly divided into three main phases: (i) development of the oral contraceptive 'Pill based on synthetic ovarian steroid hormones; (ii) the demonstration that continuous oral administration of progestins in