Search results (6)
  • All India Dalit Mahila Manch

  • Enakshi Ganguly Thukral
    HAQ: Centre for Child Rights

    This study attempts to look at the extent, causes, manifestation and the interventions made on trafficking of children in the country.  

  • Kalpana Viswanath, Preeti Kirbat
    Economic and Political Weekly

    The history of the development of a new scientific or medical technology is a story of science in the making. In this paper we attempt to trace the development of the anti-hCG vaccine over the past 20 years, using controversy as a methodological entry point into the history.

  • Sudha Pillai
    Deccan Herald

    The stark white room is echoing with dreams. "I want to become a doctor... I am engineer... I want to become a nun... (this evokes a riot of laughter) I want to become a dress designer... My dream is to become a social worker ....

  • Sadhna Pathak

    Patharia, a village-situated in the Bundhelkund region is stark contrast to other villages. Inhabited by the Bedia tribe, a part of the vimukta jati where adult members in the family never worked and depended solely on the earnings of the young girl involved in prostitution.

  • Umesh K Srivastava
    Current R and D Highlights

    Viewed in retrospect, the development of hormonal methods of fertility control could be broadly divided into three main phases: (i) development of the oral contraceptive 'Pill based on synthetic ovarian steroid hormones; (ii) the demonstration that continuous oral administration of progestins in