This paper estimates the child development Index at state level for all the states using methodology given in NIPFP working paper 370 - “Estimating Child Development
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development calls for transforming our world and working towards the future we want.
It is important to understand the social, physical, and administrative environment in which the grassroots components of a health program function and provide services.
One of the purposes of family planning programmes in developing countries is to provide for the unmet needs of couples for contraception.
Contraception as a behavioral phenomenon has been the focus of many population researches, during the last half a century. In fact, explaining contraceptive behavior is a complex theoretical effort. Learning, motivation,
While talking about law and homosexuality, I am reminded of a story of a washerman and his donkey. The donkey refused to move with the heavy bundle of clothes on his back from his house to the pond. The washerman nailed a carrot to a stick, which was tied in front of the animal's mouth.
A woman would prefer to prevent an unwanted pregnancy rather than having an abortion or carrying the pregnancy to term. No amount of legal or religious restrictions, social stigma or lack of access to professional care can stop her if she decides to seek termination of an unplanned pregnancy.
The paper uses the National Family Health Survey (NFHS, 1992-93) data to examine the extent to which sex preferences have constrained the success of the family planning programme and inhibited the acceptance of contraception in the different states of the country.
In the year 1950, injectable contraceptives were developed (containing only progestin). For the treatment of endometriosis and endometrial cancer as well as of painful menstrual periods, (dysmenorrhoea), excessive hair growth (hirsutism), and bleeding disorders, progestins were finally used.
There can be little doubt that the last two hundred years have seen advances in health which have seldom before been witnessed in human history.