This monograph is guided by f
It is important to understand the social, physical, and administrative environment in which the grassroots components of a health program function and provide services.
One of the purposes of family planning programmes in developing countries is to provide for the unmet needs of couples for contraception.
Contraception as a behavioral phenomenon has been the focus of many population researches, during the last half a century. In fact, explaining contraceptive behavior is a complex theoretical effort. Learning, motivation,
Highlighted by sensational titles such as "The endangered sex" (Miller, 1981) or "More than 100 million women are missing" (Sen, 1992), studies have long drawn attention to the unfavourable life chances of females versus males in various parts of East and South Asia.
There can be little doubt that the last two hundred years have seen advances in health which have seldom before been witnessed in human history.
There can be little doubt that the last two hundred years have seen advances in health which have seldom before been witnessed in human history.
Acceptance and sustained use of family planning especially of modern spacing methods have generally been low in developing countries particularly in India. The use rate for modern spacing methods was only 6 per cent among the eligible couples in India in 1992 (IIPS, 1995).