Search results (9)
  • HT Correspondence
    Hindustan Times

    The accused is on the run while the victim is undergoing treatment at the intensive care unit of a private hospital in Durgapur city, officials said.

  • Dimple Tresa Abraham
    Centre for Women's Development Studies

    ‘Women Negotiating for Family Housing & Work: A Study on Quasi-Live-in Domestic Workers’ examines the everyday lives and negotiations of a category of domestic workers, different from the mainstream, who barter work for obtaining family housing, and are referred to in the study as the ‘quasi-

  • Asha Kawatra, Salil Sehgal
    Indian Journal of Social Research

    The expectant and lactating mothers are considered as nutritionally vulnerable group especially in the developing countries of the world. Due to nursing process mothers are subjected to nutritional stresses.

  • Rashmi S. Shah, J.V. Joshi, K.T. Hazari, S.M. Chitlange
    The Journal of Family Welfare

    Lactating women are often recommended the IUD as a contraceptive method since it compares favourably with other available contraceptive methods, which either adversely affect lactation or are less effective in preventing pregnancy. Numerous studies, [1-4] have shown that IUDs have no effect on th

  • John W Townsend, Leila E. Caleb
    Population Council, Operations Research and Technical Assistance Project

    Following the International Population and Development Conference in Cairo, there is widespread consensus in the international community that family planning programs must be people-centered, and further, that family planning programs should focus not just on contraception per se,but on the repro

  • Leila E. Caleb, John W Townsend
    Population Council, Operations Research and Technical Assistance Project

    Following the International Population and Development Conference in Cairo, there is widespread consensus in the international community that family planning programs must be people-centered, and further, that family planning programs should focus not just on contraception per se,but on the repro

  • P. Ramachandran
    ICMR Bulletin

    The importance of breast feeding in infant nutrition, health and survival has long been recognized. The recognition that lactation may have profound effects on maternal nutrition and fertility is of more recent origin.

  • Rashmi S. Shah, Jayashree V. Joshi, Kamal T. Hazari, Shanta M. Chitlange
    The Journal of Family Welfare

    Breastfeeding and lactational amenorrhoea play a unique role in child health, birth spacing and fertility regulation.

  • N. Bhardwaj, S. Badrul Hasan, Mohammad Zaheer Introduction
    The Journal of Family Welfare

    The practice of breast-feeding is almost universal in India. Protecting, promoting and supporting breast-feed in should be the foremost aim of all the communities. Compare the body of a lactating mother to a baby food factory and we find that she is far and away the most efficient [1].