The accused is on the run while the victim is undergoing treatment at the intensive care unit of a private hospital in Durgapur city, officials said.
‘Women Negotiating for Family Housing & Work: A Study on Quasi-Live-in Domestic Workers’ examines the everyday lives and negotiations of a category of domestic workers, different from the mainstream, who barter work for obtaining family housing, and are referred to in the study as the ‘quasi-
Demographic literature is replete with observations of an inverse relation between certain attributes of modernity and family size (Thompson 1929; Notestein 1945; Coale and Hoover 1958; Leiberman 1980, Srinivasan 1986).
Men of the Chakhesang tribe of Nagaland aid their wives during delivery of the newborn. Most men in the picture-postcard village of Chizami in Phek district believe it is shameful to depend on a neighbour's help when such a momentous event is taking place in their family.